Bio & Vegan Bodycare – a natural way to pamper yourself in the summer

From shower shampoo to body cream, to multipurpose oil and sos gel, some of the best Phytorelax products for a summer of awareness.

We shouldn’t forget about skin care in the summer because we are lazy or because it is hot. Indeed, holidays – be they long or short – should be a moment in which we pamper ourselves and treat our body right.

The products we use in the winter, however, can be too heavy in the summer months, which is why it is important to update our beauty case with natural products that are both fresh and super-light!


Yes, but which ones? We have no doubt in recommending our 5 Bio & Vegan bodycare lines: Coconut, Hemp, Almond, Tea Tree, and 31-Herb Oil, all VeganOk and Aiab Organic certified.


Each line includes products that are formulated with organic oils rich in healthy properties to take perfect care of your skin. The five Bio & Vegan Beauty Rituals, fully in line with Phytorelax’s philosophy, are the ideal way to pamper your spirit and bring on a feeling of wellness and relaxation.


So now all you need to do is jump in this sea of

Bio & Vegan options, and refresh your natural beauty!

Discover these Five Rituals of Beauty

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